Mastering Personal Effectiveness
Practical Approach to Transforming Your Personal & Work Life
Wherever you work, whatever you do, you can make your life more fulfilling and more joyful by enhancing your personal effectiveness.
Learn the power of transforming your perspectives and attitudes, through a practical approach with tools, ideas, examples and proven research to get the best out of yourself and realise the wonderful potential in your life.
Discover how to improve and transform your personal and work life – one day at a time, and one small step at a time, to build the life you have always dreamt about – passionate, fulfilling and realizing your personal potential.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- manage own attitude for greater personal and organizational effectiveness
- take initiative and personal responsibility at work
- develop approach to life-long learning
- cultivate habits of success
- enhance effectiveness in work and personal life
For more information and customized programmes, please email or contact Ms Teriya Tan at 6333 4433
Course Outline
1. Art of Happy Living
Maintaining SAFE Margins
2. Understand Key Brain Principles
Make the Most of Your Mind
3.Developing Life Long Learning
Buzan® 5-Step Learning Plan
4. Habits of Intelligence
7 Habits for Personal Effectiveness
5. Leverage on Your Strengths
4 Powerful Steps to Achieve Outstanding Performance