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Writing Skills

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Buzan® Writing Skills

These weekly are classes are structured on the basis of small group co-operative learning, with lessons crafted on Habits of Mind, Multiple Intelligences and Buzan® learning techniques.

Subject curriculum parallels the Singapore MOE school syllabus with an emphasis on higher order thinking skills.

I Can Write (Age 7)

Mind Mapping®

Thematic Vocabulary

Basic Grammar

Descriptive Sentences

Narrative Writing

Creative Writer (Age 8-9)

Creative Stories

Mind Mapping®

Thematic Vocabulary

Basic Grammar

Descriptive Sentences

Narrative Writing

Experiential Writing

Good Writer (Age 9-10)

Mind Mapping®

Mechanics of Good


Powerful Vocabulary

Essential Grammar

Narrative Writing

Functional Writing

Journaling & Book


Powerful Writer (Age 10-12)

Mind Mapping®

Mechanics & Art of Good Writing

Mastering Grammar

Narrative Writing

Functional Writing

Expository Writing

Answering Exam


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